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### News: ###
2024: Paper on text-to-image models at IEEE COMPSAC
2024: Paper on the use of LLMs to learn programming in R accepted at IEEE Educon
2024: Paper on XAI for User-Aligned Assessment of Adaptive AI Systems at AAAI Spring Symposium
01/2024 Project funding: „AI alliance: data quality“ (funded by EU, federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg and others)
Keynote (invited talk) at Explainable AI for time series (XAI-TS) Workshop at ECML/PKDD 2023: Explainable AI for time series classification and anomaly detection: Current state and open issues.
Keynote (invited talk) at XKDD Workshop at ECML/PKDD 2023: Explainable AI: how far we have come and what’s left for us to do
01/2023: project funding „AI for SMEs“ (funded by EU, federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg and others)
Sept 2022: Journal paper in IEEE Access accepted: „Explainable AI for Time Series Classification: A review, taxonomy and research directions“
Sept 2022: Journal paper in Springer Neural Computing accepted: „XAI4EEG: Spectral and spatio-temporal explanation of Deep Learning-based Seizure Detection in EEG time series“
Sept 2022: Best paper award for PhD student at IEEE conference (IES Young Professionals & Students Paper Award): „Visual Detection of Tiny Objects for Autonomous Robotic Pick-and-Place Operations“ published at IEEE ETFA 2022.